Summary of ParkOptimizer
ParkOptimizer processes WindSim results to map exclusion areas of turbulence, flow inclination, speed and extreme wind as defined by the IEC 61400-1 standard. With this information, you can design IEC compliant park layouts from the start on and choose the appropriate turbine class.
Park Optimizer uses innovative optimization algorithms to find optimal turbine layouts, taking the IEC exclusion areas as constraints.
Park Optimimizer provides not only one but a whole range of optimal layouts for each project size, which allows you to perform technoeconomic optimization that maximises the profits of your projects.
Layout optimization
ParkOptimizer comes with several optimization algorithms for park layouts that maximize energy yield for a defined range of 1..N turbines
The optimization procedures are differentiated by fast layouts and an additional wake adjustment algorithm.
Fast layouts include:
- A heuristic algorithm using simulated annealing. Provide good results, but does not guarantee optimum.
- A more sophisticated algorithm employs a mixed integer relaxation algorithm that guarantees global optimum. This algorithm is not part of the standard ParkOptimizer, but can be obtained as a special edition.
Wake adjustment
The fast layouts do not consider wake effects.
The simulated annealing algorithm can be run with the N.O Jensen wake model, taking wake effects into account. The method does not guarantee global optimum, but benchmarking against other industry standard tools such as WindPro shows results that are at least as good.
In addition, ParkOptimizer optionally can include effective turbulence Ieff, as a constraint.
We are now improving ParkOptimizer to be able to guarantee global optimum.
IEC exclusion areas
WindSim simulation results provide all the necessary information:
- Shear
- Flow inclination
- Turbulence
- Extreme wind
- Terrain inclination
The ParkOptimizer module processes WindSim results in order to create maps of exclusion areas that do not comply with the IEC 61400-1 – standard.
These areas are used as constraints in the ParkOptimizer layout optimization.
Editing Layouts
After selecting the optimal size, we can move on and perform the final manual adjustments to the layout. ParkOptimizer provides tools for manual adjustments.
Economic optimization
According to our experience, project size highly influences the profitability in complex terrain [6,7]. Wind conditions vary significantly within the planning area. More turbines reduces unit costs, but increases wake losses.
Using results from the layout optimization and financial data, ParkOptimizer helps you select the park size that maximize your profits.
Economic optimization of the park size. Using results from the layout optimization, we establish an energy curve E(n) for each layout n= 1..N , where N corresponds to the number of turbines of each optimized layout. The energy curve E(n) represents the energy output as function of project size, and is used as input to NPV calculations. As seen by the above graphs, there is a defined optimum at around 20 turbines.
Energy curve
A novel feature of ParkOptimizer, is the Energy curve. The Energy curve E(n) is the total energy of each project size n, where n is the number of turbines. For each project size n=1..N, ther is a corresponding optimized layout n. The energy curve can be used to determine the optimal size of projects, in particular when considering project risk.
ParkOptimizer is an ongoing development of WindFarmDesigns in collaboration with WindSim and represents state of the art wind & site assessment in complex terrain. During the last two years, we have analyzed more than 60 sites in highly complex terrain, and the methods have been tested against measurement data in more than 25 locations.
ParkOptimizer provides new tools and methods for wind and site assessment in complex terrain. ParkOptimizer extends the value of WindSim results and sets a new standard for wind & site by:
- Including IEC standards from the beginning of project development
- Introducing new techniques for layout optimization
- Helping you to maximize profits by selecting the optimal park size.
ParkOptimizer provides new tools and methods for wind and site assessment in complex terrain. ParkOptimizer extends the value of WindSim
- Harris, R.I : Improvements to the ‘Method of independent storms’, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 80 (1999)
- Dietenbeck, M: Reference Wind Speed. Master thesis, KTH School of Industrial Egnineering and Management, 2008.
- Giovanni, M: Turbulence analysis using WindSim: experiences in I_ref calculations. WindSim uSer Meeting, Tønsberg 16-17 June 2008.
- Karlsen, JA: Turbulens i komplekst terreng: En numerisk analyse av strømning over en todimensjonal terrngmodell. Project thesis, Dept of Fluids Engineering, NTNU, 2008.
- Vogstad KO: ParkDesign – A decision support tool for wind projects in complex terrain. Presentation at Wind Energy Performance Optimisation Summit 2009, Hamburg.
- Vogstad, KO: Introducing ParkDesign: Techno-economic opimisation of wind power proejcts. WindSim user meeting, Tønsberg 2010
Full feature list
- Layout optimization
- IEC exclusion areas
- Turbulence maps
- Extreme wind maps
- Economic optimization
Klaus Vogstad
CEO and Founder
+47 928 510 67
Torridalsveien 21A
4613 Kristiansand S