ParkOptimizer Documentation

1. Introduction

Parkdesign determines the best configuration of wind turbines in a given project. The turbine placements are optimal w.r.t energy production and in accordance with selectable IEC constraints. An economic-optimization feature is used to determine the number of turbines for the project.

WindSim simulations provide the Parkdesign Input Files. In particular, a Wind Resource (.wrg) file is used to calculate the Energy Map – energy-production at each point – and windspeed/turbulence-intensity simulations at specified heights are used (together with the Wind Resource file in some cases) to calculate wind characteristics – for example wind-flow inclination or shear – that determine valid points w.r.t IEC constraints; the Constraints Map.

Overview Parkoptimizer

Results from WindSim are processed to map out IEC constraints.

From WindSim, ParkOptimizer reads terrain data, flow model results ( turbulence, xy windspeed in three heights for shear calculations, z wind speed) and climatology files .tws plus .wrg file.


The planning area and protected areas within the site, can be included as shape files, or drawn manually using parkoptimizers drawing tool.


A map of wind quality aspects according to the IEC 61400-1 3rd ed. standard is mapped out as gray areas unsuitable for wind turbines.  This helps the analyst focus on the better quality areas of wind resources.


After making IEC exclusions, there remaining area can be used for turbine placement.  However, wake loss and effective turbulence requires sufficient turbine spacing, which makes the layout optimization problem difficult.  ParkOptimizer can perform heuristic layout optmization including wakes, or it can make IEC compliant layouts by respecting effective turbulence criterias using formal optimziation algorithms.


A list of layouts rangin from 1..N turbines are presented, and can be used to optimize project size.  Optimizing project size can reduce risk-return.


After completing the steps of layout optimization, an IEC-compliant, optimal layout is achieved.  This can be used for further adjustments in GIS tools or any other software, as the turbine coordinates are easily exported as text files.

Given the Energy and Constraints maps, a series of Layouts are generated for turbines 1,…,N that optimize the energy-production. The optimization is through Xpress, giving optimal layouts, or through heuristic optimization when Xpress is not installed. An energy-curve E(n), n=1,…,N, thus obtained from the layouts, is then a factor in the Economic Optimization feature, providing Net Present Value calculations which when maximized specifies the best layout.

The use of Parkdesign progresses through the following steps, signified by tabs in the gui

  • Initialization and General Function. Select the WindSim project directory and define the Park Area.
  • Energy Map . Calculate the energy production at each point based on a wind-resource file and a turbine specific power-curve.
  • Constraints Map . Generate turbine placement constraints
  • Layout . Produce N optimal layouts and the energy curve E(n), n=1,…,N
  • Economic Optimization . Perform Net Present Value calculations to determine the best layout